Bar Chart Demo

This is a Demo Bar Chart from WP Business Intelligence Lite

This is an example of a bar chart made with the WP Business Intelligence plugin that includes a caption below the chart. The SQL query shown below is a fictional record of variables ascribed to seeds in a MySQL database table from a db that is secondary to the WordPress database.

You can easily add a chart like this to your website using our free plugin WP Business Intelligence Lite or for more features and functionality purchase our Pro plugin.

Available in

  • WP Business Intelligence Lite
  • WP Business Intelligence Pro


  • Chart Library: Britecharts
  • Caption: On
  • Tooltip: On
  • Animation: On

SQL Query Example

This is the SQL query used to produce the above demo bar chart from a MySQL database.

SELECT * FROM seed WHERE status IN ("Brilliant", "Shining", "Vibrant", "Vivid")