Roadmap and Current Activity

Welcome to our development roadmap. Unfortunately we keep most things under wraps, but do share a few details about our current projects and future projects here.

Current activity: Building v3.2 Lite

Recent activity: Upgrading Charts -> More Chart options are on the way to your Lite dashboards

Recent activity: Updating User Experience -> We are making tweaks to the interface for WPBI Lite

Recent activity: Bug Hunting -> Our fearless bug hunters are seeking out bugs in the code. If you think you see one, let us know.

Recent activity: Installing [mystery feature] -> Something new is coming to your WP Business Intelligence experience, what could it be?

Future Release Roadmap

v3.2 (Lite) – Due Winter 2022
– Add [mystery feature]
– Add [new charting library]
– Add [more charts]
– Upgrade PHP compatability
– Upgrade WordPress compatability
– Fewer bugs

v3.2.6 (Pro) – Due Spring 2023
– Add [mystery feature]
– Add [mystery feature]
– Add [super secret mystery feature]
– Fewer bugs

v3.3 (Lite) – Due Summer 2023
– Upgrade PHP compatability
– Upgrade WordPress compatability
– Fewer bugs

v3.3 (Pro) – Due Early Summer 2023
– Add [mystery feature]
– Upgrade [mystery feature]
– Add [super secret mystery feature]
– Enable [super secret mystery feature]
– Fewer bugs

v3.1 (Pro) – Due Winter 2023
– Add [mystery feature]
– Upgrade [mystery feature]
– Fewer bugs

Review our changelog to see all of our most recent updates and upgrades: