Bubble Chart Demo

Demo Bubble Chart

This is an example of a bubble chart made with the WP Business Intelligence Pro plugin that includes a caption below the chart. The SQL query shown below is a dataset of data about the Kansas City Chiefs of the NFL between the 2010 and 2021 seasons. The radius of the circles is generated based on the number of team wins each year and the coordinates of the buble represent the number of points scored for and against the team.

You can easily add a chart like this to your website using our premium plugin WP Business Intelligence Pro. Not only will you get awesome bubble charts like this one for you WordPress website, but you’ll get tons of other charts / tables / graphs to use, a bunch of premium features, and a full year of premium support

Available in

  • WP Business Intelligence Pro


  • Chart Library: Chart.js
  • Caption: On

SQL Query Example

This is the SQL query used to produce the above demo bubble chart from a MySQL database.

SELECT * FROM numbers